Includes, if possible, active physiotherapy with functional movements and exercises that should be performed outside the practice for successful therapy. If necessary, also passive soft tissue techniques by the therapist to bring the joints and surrounding tissues into order and create the most economical, tension-free movement possible.

Used for people with neurological diseases. The aim is to restore the connection between the central nervous system (brain) and the supply area (motor, sensory), which has been lost or restricted due to e.g. a stroke, Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis, via alternative pathways and to recall or relearn stored movements or to prevent further deterioration due to the disease.

Includes predominantly passive techniques on joint capsule, ligaments, fascia and musculature, among others, to improve mobility in joints and achieve harmonious interaction between structures. Several joints interacting in functional chains are always considered and treated, whereby bones and the associated tissue are moved against each other.

A therapy to reduce swelling and oedema of any kind by using manual strokes in a specific sequence to direct/move the excess fluid in the tissues along the lymphatic channels towards the centre of the body, where it is ultimately excreted via the kidneys. Lymphatic drainage is most effective in combination with
compression bandaging and exercise.

In simple terms, fascia transmits the force from muscles to bones and is therefore found throughout the body. Like every tissue, they live from metabolism and blood circulation. Like neighbouring joints, the fasciae also influence each other. Therefore, a holistic treatment that is considered over several joints and body regions is always useful and can be described as part of manual therapy. In order to be able to influence fascia tissue or to "wake up" and stimulate unproductive cells in the treatment area, high pressure must be applied, which makes the treatment very intensive but also effective.
A malposition and overload of one of the temporomandibular joints can be the ongoing cause of many problems such as toothaches or headaches, dizziness, muscular tension in the neck, shoulder and back muscles and even imbalances in the pelvic-hip region. The therapist has to find out whether the problem is a descending chain (temporomandibular joint as the cause: teeth grinding, night biting, crooked bite, etc.) or an ascending chain (temporomandibular joint as the end/consequence of the chain of a deeper problem: operations, trauma to the lower extremities, imbalances, pelvic obliquity, scoliosis, etc.). Following this, the cause of the existing problem/symptoms can be specifically treated with manual therapy and dysfunctions can be eliminated.

"When can I go back to work? When can I go back to sports?"
These are questions that are often asked after injuries or operations. Unfortunately, these questions are very difficult to answer in general terms. Every person is different and goes through an individual healing process. However, there are very informative functional tests that can be used to check and assess whether the body is ready for certain stresses. You start at level I and work your way up to level IV through physiotherapeutic treatment in combination with functional training and an individual exercise programme, depending on your goal (required resilience at work or the type of sport you would like to do again).
The exercises used are mainly those that involve "normal", natural movement and use as many joints and muscle groups as possible. Attention is always paid to correct posture
and a high quality execution of movement. The aim is to improve certain complex "functions" of the body and to do this with as little material effort as possible or by using objects that are familiar in everyday life.

Pelvic floor therapy is used for incontinence and/or prolapse problems, among other things. A specific assessment is carried out to determine the type of incontinence.
Functional pelvic floor therapy includes breathing techniques, awareness training and targeted training for the various functions of the pelvic floor. Everyday strategies are also developed, as the pelvic floor is often heavily strained or even overloaded in everyday life.
Pelvic floor therapy according to the Tanzberger Concept® moves away from isolated training of the pelvic floor muscles in the conventional sense, which is unfortunately not very functional. Instead, it is based on the natural, physiological processes in the pelvic floor closure system and its challenges in everyday life.